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Where to Find Me

Lately, I’ve been trying to manage my social media accounts and totally forgot about my blog here on WordPress. So to make sure you won’t be left out on any announcements, please check out the Links below.

Be the first to know about everything, from my works in progress, giveaways, published works, and much more.


I think I’m more on Instagram than anything else. But if you wish to receive updates in a creative, fun, and personal way, please follow me @lchwriter.


I am barely on this page, but that will soon change! Everything I post will also end up on Facebook for you to share with your family and friends and other readers you may know. @lchwriter


My baby sister forced me to join. LOL. However, it has been working great for me these days. I will press to post more on this platform and then repost them as Reels on Instagram. –> @LCHwriter


Yep, I totally forgot about this blogging site I’ve had for years. But that shall end today. Thanks to my publishing journey with The Fairest slowly leveling out, I will be writing more. Possibly tips and advice I’ve learned in this journey and to pass it on to those who are also in the process of publishing a book.


??? What is that? I’m kidding. Over the years, I’ve saved hundreds of amazing images on Pinterest that were inspirations for me in writing The Fairest series and other writings. I will share those images with you. @1LCHwriter


I LOVE THIS PLATFORM! If you are a writer, what are you waiting for? Be brave and share your writings with the world. They will appreciate it and you can build your readership there. Make sure you follow me if you create an account. @GoldFantasy

Sincerely Not Fair


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