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The Fairest Journey Update

I am on my way to self-publishing my Young Adult Fantasy Fiction book called The Fairest.

Here is a quick update on what’s been happening behind the process.

Last night, I did more edits on Book One. I’m feeling very happy about this scene change that I’ve done. I’ve been changing and adding scenes this week, but this one I feel would help develop Mageia’s character. My beta readers are doing such an amazing job with pointing out plot holes and character holes and raising great questions.

I need all the help I can get. If you want to join the beta fam please contact me. You have to love reading and you don’t have to be a huge fantasy fan. I need views from other genre readers too.

Also follow me on Instagram @lchwriter and join my email list for updates and other fun things.

Thank you everyone and have a blessed week! From LeQuita

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