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Music Review: When We Pray by Tauren Wells

When we pray, things do change. 

I recently stumbled across this song When We Pray by Tauren Wells (2017) despite hearing it multiple times on the radio. It is one of those songs that will last forever like the song Jesus Loves Me and many others. 

When the church starts praying, things do change.

I enjoy the message related in this song. It’s uplifting and encouraging, letting people know that when you pray and place all of your trust in Jesus, things do happen. 

We are living in a world right now where situations arises and we feel like there is no end to them. People are filled with so much hatred and find it challenging to let things go. But when we turn to Jesus and relieve ourselves of those burdens, we can come out victorious. 

Jesus did not die on the cross to leave us to face situations alone. He died on the cross so he could stand beside us in spirit and in heart and walk us through. God’s blessings and mercies are upon us every time we open our eyes in the morning. And a great way to give God thanks for this undeserved gift, we must always pray. 

I know, life can get tough and when we turn on the television we feel like giving up. We want to lose hope in ourselves, in people, in society, and in the world, but we must always remember that Jesus had an abundance of hope for all of us when he hung on the cross and died for the people then and in the future.

God has not given up hope on us, but as the hour of Jesus’ return grows nearer, that hope will end. And when God’s hope end for this world he created, it would be your last chance to accept salvation or be cast in the lake of fire. Just like the days of Noah, those people were warned that judgment was near, but they did not take heed. 

But right now, hope is still strong. When we pray we show God we have not given up. We still trust in Him in all ways and in all things. So when the world is crumbling around us, we must keep our heads lifted high and our eyes upon the hills which cometh our help.

Remember to Pray. Pray. Pray about it and may God bless you and keep you.

What is your favorite gospel or inspirational song and why? Please give your thoughts below.

-Sincerely, LeQuita


When We Pray – Tauren Wells – Youtube Video – Song Published 2017


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