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I Love Gospel Music

I Love Gospel music

While most people enjoy music of rap, R&B, country, and so on, I prefer the sweet messages from gospel music. Listening to gospel music throughout my hectic days of work and school reassures my faith. It keeps me moving in times of boredom and despair. Gospel music highlighting the amazing power of God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ reminds me that I am not alone. My closest friend dwells nearby, protecting me, guiding me, loving me, and treating me with more respect than I get from a normal person in a day. Jesus gives us many ways to praise him and gospel music is one. We can sit back and put on our own headphones to disappear in the relaxation of God Almighty. I love gospel music. I have a tone of favorite songs that directly draws me closer with God. That is what we are aiming for, a closeness with God. Every time we need God we’d feel His loving presence and know “I’ll be fine.”

I thank God for gospel music. Do you love it too? What relaxes you and draws you closer with God?

-Remember Jesus gets all the praise



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